Action Innovation: Fitness & Skating Instructors

Paul de Verteuil

Paul de Verteuil-300x199Our head skating instructor, Paul, currently lives in Ottawa, Ontario with his wife Beth and their two children, Jackson and Logan. While working in high tech for 17 years, Paul first took a dip in the entrepreneurial pool by launching Action Innovation in 2003. Hockey and teaching are two of Paul’s passions, which is instantly clear to everyone who sees him at an arena. Paul has been coaching his son’s teams in recent years, while his earlier work included assistant coach positions with the Provincial Women’s Hockey League’s Ottawa Senators and the Carleton University Men’s club.

In recent years, the entrepreneurial spirit has again motivated Paul. In 2012/2013, he helped launch two global sports clubs (RIPA and HIPA) and continues to enjoy the travel and playing opportunities these clubs present. “Every day is different when you are working in a start-up. It’s always exciting!”

Lee Warywoda

Bio Photo - Lee - MediumLee is a passionate hockey player, fan and student of the game. He extends this passion through the coaching of minor hockey and as a skating instructor with Action Innovation. Lee has been working with AI since 2006.

Originally from Winnipeg, Lee, his wife Crystal and their children, Joey and Katie have settled in Carleton Place, Ontario. Joey is a chip off the old block, playing AAA hockey for the Upper Canada Cyclones organization.

Lee has become as synonymous with Action Innovation as our founder himself. Paul and Lee have formed a strong friendship through teaching hockey skills on Friday mornings. Lee has joined HIPA (Hockey International Players Association), actively participated in multiple tours and even became a tour manager in 2014!

Action Innovation is lucky to have Lee in our family of skating instructors and sharing his expertise with our clients.

Colin Sheperd

Bio Photo - Colin SheppardColin is a certified personal trainer through the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology and holds a Bachelor of Kinesiology from the University of Manitoba.  He is experienced in training individuals and groups of all levels in competitive sports, including figure skaters and hockey players.  Colin’s background in hockey started when he was old enough to skate.  He played competitive hockey in Northern Manitoba until the end of high school, after which he began to run competitively. Colin competed for the University of Manitoba for five years in cross country running and track and field.  He competed for four years at the national level in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport Cross Country Championship.

Colin continues to coach track and field and enjoys recreational hockey, shinny games, and just getting on the ice for a skate.